Lent 2021 Opinion

Online supervisions: a supervisor’s perspective

I glanced furtively at my watch as I waited for my computer to finish updating – 4:22pm. My laptop was reaching the end of its useful life, and had tested my patience on many occasions with lengthy updates and general lethargy; however, on this particular day, there was a sense of urgency. I was supposed […]

Freshers Lent 2021

A review of Churchill’s COVID-friendly Freshers’ Week

What comes to mind when you think of Freshers’ Week? Is it the all-night partying, losing your voice while screaming along to Taylor Swift at 2am or perhaps those butterflies when you meet your soon-to-be best friends? Well, scratch all that…  COVID-19 has distorted what should have been a week of mingling with others in close proximity […]