Freshers Lent 2021

A review of Churchill’s COVID-friendly Freshers’ Week

What comes to mind when you think of Freshers’ Week? Is it the all-night partying, losing your voice while screaming along to Taylor Swift at 2am or perhaps those butterflies when you meet your soon-to-be best friends? Well, scratch all that…  COVID-19 has distorted what should have been a week of mingling with others in close proximity […]

Freshers Michaelmas 2020

Letters for incoming freshers

Don’t ever allow yourself to feel like the imposter who named the syndrome! Iulia Lavinia Marin Dear fresher, Beginnings can be both exciting and scary. I remember bursting with joy when I received my acceptance letter from Cambridge. It felt like my academic efforts had finally been recognised and rewarded. As the months passed, this […]

Freshers Michaelmas 2020

Making the most of (an online and sober) Freshers’ Week

A week normally filled with society fairs, games nights and nights out – or in Cambridge, library tours, pre reading and organising supervisions – Freshers’ Week in 2020 will not be as you know it.  Freshers’ flu, rife each year, must now  be avoided at all costs. Students are expected to maintain social distancing outside […]

Freshers Michaelmas 2020

Creating a home away from home

The first time I was away from home overnight, I was nine. It was a four-day-long school trip to an outdoor centre in West Wales and I loved it. Being a fairly adventurous child obsessed with the outdoors, a few days of high ropes climbing, muddy assault courses and swimming in the sea was a […]